To multiply three or more simple fractions, complete the following three steps.
Example: Multiply and reduce the answer.
Answer. Multiply the numerators and the denominators, but leave them in factored form .
Factor the numerator and denominator and look for the fractions that have a value of 1.
Now prove to yourself with your calculator that your answer is correct. Calculate the answer to 3 divided by 4, 6 divided by 7, 8 divided by 9, and and multiply the answers. Now calculate 4 divided by 7. If you are correct, the answers are the same (equivalent) and you have successfully multiplied three simple fractions.
Problem 1: Multiply and reduce the answer.
Problem 2: Multiply and reduce the answer.
Problem 3: Multiply and reduce the answer.
Problem 4: Multiply .
Problem 5: Multiply .