Rule 14: Dividing Simple Fractions

To divide one fraction by a second fraction, convert the problem to multiplication and multiply the two fractions.

Change the tex2html_wrap_inline53 sign to tex2html_wrap_inline55 and invert the fraction to the right of the sign.
Multiply the numerators.
Multiply the denominators.
Reduce the results. (See Rule 10)
Factor the product of the numerators.
Factor the product of the denominators.
Look for the fractions that have a value of 1.

Example : Multiply tex2html_wrap_inline57 .

Answer: Change the division sign to multiplication and invert the fraction to the right of the sign. tex2html_wrap_inline59

Multiply the numerators and the denominators, but leave them in factored form. tex2html_wrap_inline61

Factor the numerator and denominator and look for the fraction in the mix that has a value of 1.


Now prove to yourself with your calculator that your answer is correct. Calculate the answers to 3 divided by 4, 9 divided by 16, and divide the first answer by the second answer. Now calculate 4 divided by 3. If you are correct, the answers are the same (equivalent) and you have successfully divided by fraction by a second fraction.

If you are interested in reviewing another example, click on the word Example.

Work the following problems and click on Answer to check your results.

Problem 1: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline65 and reduce your answer.


Problem 2: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline67 and reduce your answer.


Problem 3: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline69 and reduce your answer.


Problem 4: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline71 and reduce your answer.


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