Rule 17:
To build a fraction is the reverse of reducing the fraction. Instead of searching for the 1 in a fraction so that you can reduce, you insert a 1 and build.

Problem 1:
Create a fraction equivalent to tex2html_wrap_inline28 that has a denominator of 35.
The answer is the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline30 .
Recall that you can multiply any number by 1 without changing the value of the number. (Rule 6). Multiply the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline28 by 1. Recall that 1 has many forms, look for the form of 1 that will result in a denominator of 35.
Since 5 tex2html_wrap_inline34 7 = 35, use the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline36 as 1. Now tex2html_wrap_inline38 can be written as tex2html_wrap_inline12.
The product is tex2html_wrap_inline30 . We have created a fraction with a denominator equal to 35 that is equivalent to the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline28 .

Now prove to yourself with your calculator that your answer is correct. Calculate 2 divided by 5 and calculate 14 divided by 35; both should yield the same answer. If you are correct, the answers are the same (equivalent) and you have successfully built a fraction.

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