- Rule 19:
- To subtract, the denominators must be equal. You
essentially following the same steps as in addition.
- 1.
- Build each fraction so that both denominators are equal.
- 2.
- Combine the numerators according to the operation of subtraction or additions.
- 3.
- The denominators will be the denominator of the built-up fractions.
- 4.
- Reduce the answer.

- Problem 1:
- Calculate
and reduce your answer.
- Answer:
- The answer is
- Solution:
- The denominators are the same, so you can skip step 1. The denominator of the answer will be 24.
Combine the numerators for the numerator in the answer. 13
- 9 = 4.
The answer is
Reduce the fraction.
- Check:
- You can check the answer with your calculator.
Calculate 13 divided by 24, calculate 9 divided by 24, and subtract the second answer from the first. Now divide 1 by 6. Both answers should be the same. If you are correct, the answers are the same (equivalent) and you have successfully combined two fractions with the operation of subtraction.
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