Let a be a positive number such that a does not equal 1, let n be a real number, and let u and v be positive real numbers.

Logarithmic Rule 3: tex2html_wrap_inline162 .

Problem 5: Simplify tex2html_wrap_inline164 and calculate the value.

Answer: - 3.487

Solution : There are many ways to work the above problem. We have included two of the ways.

Solution 1:

Step 1: First note that you are taking the log of an expression raised to a power; therefore, you use Rule 3. tex2html_wrap_inline164 can be written tex2html_wrap_inline168 .
Step 2: You will now be taking the log of a quotient; therefore, use Rule 2.


Step 3: You will now be taking logs of products; therefore, use Rule 1.


Step 4: You will now be taking logs of expressions raised to a power, use Rule 3.


Step 5: This last expression can be written


rounded to 3.487.

Step 6: You can check your answer by calculating directly from the initial expression.


Since both answers are the same, you have correctly worked the problem.

Solution 2:

Step 1: First note that you are taking the log of an expression raised to a power; therefore, you use Rule 3.


Step 2: Simplify the numerator and simplify the denominator: tex2html_wrap_inline168 can be written


Step 3: Calculate the logarithm:


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