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Problem 9.11c: Solve for x in the equation
Answer: The exact solutions are
where n is an integer.
The approximate values of these solutions are
where n is an integer.
Since denominators of fractions cannot equal zero, real numbers that cause
the denominators to equal zero must be eliminated from the set of possible
Therefore, before we even start to solve the problem, the set of real
numbers in the set
must be
excluded from the possible set of solutions.
The equation has two different trigonometric terms. Let's manipulate the equation so that we have an equation of like trigonometric terms.
First, let's multiple the second equation by 1 in the form
simplify and solve. The result will be an equation that is not equivalent to the original equation, but an equation where we can solve for x. With this type of manipulation, there may be extraneous answers. In other words, you may come up with answers for the new equation that are not solutions to the original equation. Therefore, check your answers with the original equation.
The product of factors equals zero if at least one of the factors equals
zero. If
then either
How do we isolate the x in the above equations? We could take the arcsine of both sides of the equation. However, the sine function are not a one-to-one function.
Let's restrict the domain so the function is one-to-one on the restricted
domain while preserving the original range. The sine function is one-to-one
on the interval
If we
restrict the domain of the sine function to this interval , we can take the
arcsine of both sides of the equation.
The value 1.570796 is in the list of excluded solutions. We know that
Therefore, if
Since the period of
these solutions will repeat
units. The exact solutions are
where n is an integer.
The approximate values of these solutions are
where n is an integer.
You can check each solution algebraically by substituting each solution in the original equation. If, after the substitution, the left side of the original equation equals the right side of the original equation, the solution is valid.
You can also check the solutions graphically by graphing the function formed by subtracting the right side of the original equation from the left side of the original equation. The solutions of the original equation are the x-intercepts of this graph.
Algebraic Check:
Check solution
Left Side:
Right Side:
Since the left side of the original equation equals the right side of the original equation when you substitute -0.67513153 for x, then -0.67513153is a solution.
Check solution
Left Side:
Right Side:
Since the left side of the original equation equals the right side of the original equation when you substitute 3.816724 for x, then 3.816724 is a solution.
Graphical Check:
Graph the equation
This function is formed by subtracting the right side of the
original equation from the left side of the original equation. The
x-intercepts are the solutions to the original equation.
Note that the graph crosses the x-axis many times indicating many solutions. Let's check a few of these x-intercepts against the solutions we derived.
Verify the graph crosses the x-axis at
-0.67513153. Since the period is
you can verify that the graph also crosses the
x-axis again at
-0.67513153+6.2831853=5.608054 and at
Verify the graph crosses the x-axis at 3.816724. Since the period is
you can verify that the graph also crosses the x-axis
again at
and at
Note: If the problem were to find the solutions in the interval
then you choose those solutions from the set of infinite
solutions that belong to the set
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