Units of Conversion: Cubic (Volume) Measure

Basic to the understanding of unit conversion is the understanding of equivalence, the understanding of the multiplicative identity of 1, and how the two are related. For a review of these concepts, click on Review.

You will also need to multiply and reduce fractions. If you have forgotten how to manipulate fractions, visit Fractions for Adults on SOSMath for an in-depth review.

Review the following table of Standard Units of Conversion to see if you can create fractions that have a value of 1. You can click to examples following each table.

Cubic Measure


Example 3: Convert 31.5 cubic centimeters to cubic feet.


Note: One cubic centimeter means 1 centimeter tex2html_wrap_inline273 1 centimeter tex2html_wrap_inline273 1 centimeter. One cubic centimeter also means 1 centimeter3.

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Sep 26 1997

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