In this page you will find some not so easy problems on sequences. We invite you to solve them and submit the answer to SOS MATHematics. We will publish your answer with your name. Good luck.
Problem 1: Let be a sequence of real numbers such that
Show that
A generalization of this result goes as follows:
Then, we have
Problem 2: Evaluate
Problem 3: Discuss the convergence of
Problem 4: Discuss the convergence of
Problem 5: Let and
be two sequences of
integers. Assume
, for all
, and
converges to an irrational number.
Show that
Problem 6: Let (that is
). Show
that there exists a unique real number x such that
Call this number . Show that
Problem 7: Evaluate
Use it to show that
Problem 8: Let be a real number such that
. Set
Find the limit of .
Problem 9: Let be a sequence of real numbers such that
whenever . Assume that
. Show that
is convergent.
Problem 10: Let be a sequence of real numbers such that
Show that the sequence
either converges to its lower bound or diverges to .
Tue Dec 3 17:39:00 MST 1996