Here we will discuss some important limits that everyone should be aware
of. They are very useful in many branches of science.
Example: Show using the Logarithmic function that
for any a > 0.
Answer: Set . We have
. ln(a)
Clearly, we have
which translates into
Example: Show that
Answer: We will make use of the integral while the Hôpital Rule would have done a cleaner job. We have
For , we have
, which is equivalent to
. Hence,
Therefore, putting the stuff together, we arrive at
as n goes to and
the Pinching Theorem gives
The difficulty in this example was that both the numerator and
denominator grow when n gets large. But, what this conclusion shows
is that n grows more powerfully than .
As a direct application of the above limit, we get the next one:
Example: Show that
Answer: Set . We have
Clearly, we have (from above)
which translates into
The next limit is extremely important and I urge the reader to be aware
of it all the time.
Example: Show that
for any number a.
Answer: There are many ways to see this. We will choose one that involves a calculus technique. Let us note that it is equivalent to show that
Do not worry about the domain of , since for large n, the
will be a positive number
(close to 1). Consider the function
and f(0) = 1. Using the definition of the derivative of ,
we see that f(x) is continuous at 0, that is,
. Hence, for any sequence
converges to 0, we have
Now, set
Clearly we have . Therefore, we have
But, we have
which clearly implies
we get
The next example, is interesting because it deals with the new notion of
Example: Show that
Answer: There are many ways to handle this sequence. Let us use calculus techniques again. Consider the function
We have
for any . Note that for any
, we have
which gives
we get
In particular, we have
Therefore, since , we must have
Tue Dec 3 17:39:00 MST 1996