Precalculus Practice Exam

Part 1 Test 2 Time: 1 hour

  1. If tex2html_wrap_inline35 and g(x)=x-1, let h(x)=f(g(x)).

  2. Let A=(3,1), B=(7,-4) and C=(10,9).

  3. What is the vertex of the graph of the parabola tex2html_wrap_inline63 ? Also: Describe how you would translate the graph so that the vertex is moved to the origin.

  4. A chemist mixes a 12% hydrochloric acid solution with a 5% hydrochloric acid solution. How many milliliters of each solution should the chemist use to make a 500 ml liter solution that is 8% hydrochloric acid?

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Thu Jun 12 22:56:58 MDT 1997

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