Precalculus Practice Exam

Part 1 Test 6 Time: 1 hour

  1. Concerning the function tex2html_wrap_inline58 .
  2. Find the midpoint between the points (3,7) and (-6,1).
  3. Find x so that the distance between the points (6,-1) and (x,9) is 12.
  4. Find the center and radius of the circle defined by the equation


  5. Given tex2html_wrap_inline64 , and tex2html_wrap_inline66 , find tex2html_wrap_inline68 .
  6. Find the domain of the function tex2html_wrap_inline70 .
  7. Determine whether the function tex2html_wrap_inline72 is one-to-one. If it is, find its inverse. If not, explain why there is no inverse.
  8. Find the slope of the line passing through the points (3,7), and (-1,2).
  9. Given tex2html_wrap_inline74 , find tex2html_wrap_inline76 .
  10. Is the function tex2html_wrap_inline78 odd, even or neither?

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Wed Jul 2 16:47:20 MDT 1997

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