Example: Consider the harmonic oscillator with spring constant , damping constant , and the mass m=1.
Using the values for the constants, we get
Hence, we have the system
The characteristic equation is given by
Its roots are
which gives
For every eigenvalue, we need to find an eigenvector.
The vector V must satisfy the system of algebraic equations
Clearly, the two equations reduce to the same equation
Hence, we have
We choose
The vector V must satisfy the system of algebraic equations
Clearly, the two equations reduce to the same equation
Hence, we have
We choose
and . The equation giving v is obvious and can be obtained from y since v=y' (you may want to check that we did not make any mistakes). The initial conditions imply
Solving it we get
Therefore, the solution is
meaning that the system tends to its rest position. Note that since the eigenvalues are both negative, it was clear from the outset that the solution will tend to its unique equilibrium position.