Assume that City A and City B are located on the same meridian in the Northern hemisphere and that the earth is a sphere of radius 4000 mi. The latitudes of City A and City B are tex2html_wrap_inline109 and tex2html_wrap_inline111 , respectively.

Express the latitudes of City A and City B in decimal form.

Express the latitudes of City A and City B in radian form.

Find the distance between the two cities.

Solution: For parts (a) and (b), proceed as in Exercise 2:



Similarly, tex2html_wrap_inline113

(c) We use the Equation tex2html_wrap_inline115 , where s is the distance along the surface of the earth between the two cities, R is the radius of the earth, and tex2html_wrap_inline121 is the central angle between the two cities, that is, the difference in their latitudes. The distance between the two cities is then:


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