If there is one minus sign in a simple fraction, the value of the fraction will be negative.
The minus sign can be in the numerator , the denominator
, or in
front of the fraction
, the value of the fraction is -.75.
Example 1: Find the value of the fraction
Answer. The answer is -9.
Example 2: Find the value of the fraction
Answer. The answer is -5.
Example 3: Find the value of the fraction
Answer. The answer is zero. See Rule 2.
Example 4: Find the value of the fraction
Answer. There is no answer because the value of a denominator can never be zero. See Rule 1.
Work the following problems and click on Answer
to check your results.
Problem 1: Write the fraction in two other ways and
find the value of the fraction .
Problem 2: Write the fraction in two other ways and
find the value of the fraction .
Problem 3: Write the fraction in two other ways and
find the value of the fraction .
Problem 4: Write the fraction in two other ways and
find the value of the fraction .
Problem 5: Write the fraction in two other ways and
find the value of the fraction .