All fractions have three parts: a numerator, a denominator, and a division symbol. In the simple fraction, the numerator and the denominator are integers.
Eample 1: Find the numerator, denominator, and division
symbol for the simple fraction .
Answer. The numerator is 3, the denominator is 4, and the division symbol is -.
Example 2: Find the numerator,
denominator, and division symbol for the simple fraction .
Answer. The numerator is -3, the denominator is 8, and the division symbol is -.
Example 3: Find the numerator, denominator, and division
symbol for the simple fraction .
Answer. The numerator is 14, the denominator is -9,
and the division symbol is -.
Example 4: Find the numerator, denominator, and
division symbol for the simple fraction .
Answer. Although is a fraction, the
fraction is not a simple fraction because the numerator is not an
Work the following problems and click on Answer to
check your results.
Problem 1: Write the numerator, denominator, and
division symbol for the simple fraction .
Problem 2: Write the numerator, denominator, and
division symbol for the simple fraction .
Problem 3: Write the numerator, denominator, and
division symbol for the simple fraction .
Problem 4: Write the numerator, denominator, and
division symbol for the simple fraction .
The following rules will be discussed under the topic of
Identification of Simple Fractions: