Rule 5: The Division Symbol in a Simple Fractions

The Division Symbol - in a simple fraction tells the reader that the entire expression above the division symbol is the numerator and must be treated as if it were one number, and the entire expression below the division symbol is the denominator and must be treated as if it were one number.

A fraction written as tex2html_wrap_inline70 instructs the reader that the numerator is the entire expression (6 + 10) and that denominator is the entire expression (4 - 7). The numerator can also be written as 16 and the denominator can also be written as -3. The division symbol acts similar to a parenthesis or a bracket. Since tex2html_wrap_inline70 can be written tex2html_wrap_inline74 , it is a simple fraction.

Example 1: Simplify the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline76 .

Answer. The numerator 7+2 can be simplified to 9, and the denominator -8+1 can be simplified to -7. The fraction tex2html_wrap_inline76 can be written as tex2html_wrap_inline80 .

Example 2: Simplify the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline82 .

Answer. The numerator 15-25 can be simplified to -10, and the denominator 5-10 can be simplified to -5. The fraction tex2html_wrap_inline82 can be written as tex2html_wrap_inline86 .

Work the following problems and click on Answer to check your results.

Problem 1: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline88 .


Problem 2: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline90 .


Problem 3: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline92 .


Problem 4: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline94 .


Problem 5: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline96 .


Problem 6: State the numerator and denominator of tex2html_wrap_inline98 .


Problem 7: Simplify the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline100 .


Problem 8: Simplify the fraction tex2html_wrap_inline102 .


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