Order of Operations: Example 1

Rule 22:
If parenthesis "nested (are enclosed in other parenthesis), work from the inside parenthesis out.

Example 1: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline11 .

Answer: The answer is 5.

This problem contains "nested" parenthesis and 'side-by-side" parenthesis. Simplify the tex2html_wrap_inline13 first: tex2html_wrap_inline13 = tex2html_wrap_inline17

The problem tex2html_wrap_inline11 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline21 .

Simplify the parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline23 next: tex2html_wrap_inline23 = tex2html_wrap_inline27 .

The problem tex2html_wrap_inline11 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline31 .

Simplify the parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline33 next: tex2html_wrap_inline35 .

The problem tex2html_wrap_inline11 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline39

Simplify the parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline41 next: tex2html_wrap_inline43

The problem tex2html_wrap_inline11 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline47

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