Rule 22:
If parenthesis "nested (are enclosed in other parenthesis), work from the inside parenthesis out.

Example 2: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline10.

Answer: The answer is 0.

This problem contains "nested" parenthesis and "side-by-side" parenthesis. The parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline12 and tex2html_wrap_inline14 are "side-by-side" parenthesis located within the inner most set of "nested" parenthesis.

Simply them first. tex2html_wrap_inline12 = tex2html_wrap_inline18 and tex2html_wrap_inline14 = tex2html_wrap_inline22

The problem tex2html_wrap_inline10 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline26 .

Simplify the parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline28 next: tex2html_wrap_inline28 = tex2html_wrap_inline32 .

The problem can further be simplified from tex2html_wrap_inline26 to tex2html_wrap_inline36 .

Simplify the parenthesis tex2html_wrap_inline38 next: tex2html_wrap_inline38 = tex2html_wrap_inline42 .

The problem can now be simplified from tex2html_wrap_inline36 to tex2html_wrap_inline46 = 0.

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