Rule 24: Complex Fractions

To manipulate complex fractions, just convert them to simple
fractions and follow rules 1 through 23 for simple fractions.

- Example:
- Convert
to a simple fraction and reduce.
- Answer:
can be written
. Write 3 as the fraction
. Now
can be written
Convert the problem to multiplication by changing the division
sign to multiplication and inverting the fraction to the right of the
can now be
Check your answer with your calculator. Divide 3 by .5 and your answer should be 6. You have just converted a complex fraction to a simple fraction.
If you want to review another example, click on the word Example.
Work the following problems and click on Answer if you want to check
the answer and review the solution.
- Problem 1:
- Simplify
and reduce the answer. Answer
- Problem 2:
- Simplify
. Answer
- Problem 3:
- Simplify

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