Rule 27: Compound Fractions

A compound fraction is sometimes called a mixed number. Recall
, and
are examples of compound fractions.

- To manipulate compound fractions, just convert them to simple fractions and follow rules 1 through 23 for simple fractions.
Example 1: Convert
to a simple fraction.
can be written
. Write 3 as the fraction
. Now
can be written
- To convert a simple fraction to a compound fraction, the numerator must be larger than the denominator. Separate the whole number first.
Example 2: Convert
to a compound fraction.
Answer. Rewrite
. We have
- To add or subtract two compound fractions, convert the fractions to simple fractions and follow the steps you use to add or subtract two simple fractions.
Example 3: Calculate
Solution We have
- To multiply or divide two compound fractions, convert the fractions to simple fractions and follow the steps you use to multiply or divide two simple fractions.
Example 4: Calculate
Solution. We have
If you would like to review more examples, click on Example.
Work the following problems and click on Answer if you would like to check your answer and/or review the solution.
Problem 1:
- Convert
to a simple fraction.
Problem 2:
- Rewrite
as a compound number.
Problem 3:
- Add the following numbers and convert the answer to a simple fraction:
Problem 4:
- Multiply the following numbers and convert the answer to a simple fraction:
[Simple Fractions]
[Complex Fractions]
[Complex Variables]
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