Rule 26: Complex Fractions

To multiply add or subtract two complex fractions, convert the fractions to simple fractions and follow the steps you use to add or subtract two simple fractions.

Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline132 .

Convert the numerator tex2html_wrap_inline134 of the complex fraction to a simple fraction. tex2html_wrap_inline134 can be written tex2html_wrap_inline138 . Convert the denominator tex2html_wrap_inline140 of the complex fraction to a simple fraction. tex2html_wrap_inline140 can be written tex2html_wrap_inline144 . tex2html_wrap_inline146 can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline148 .

tex2html_wrap_inline150 . The problem can now be written tex2html_wrap_inline152 .

If you would like to review another example, click on the word Example.
Work the following problems and click on Answer if you want to check the answer and review the solution.

Problem 1:
Simplify tex2html_wrap_inline154


Problem 2:
Simplify tex2html_wrap_inline156 .


Problem 3:


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