Integrating Powers and Product of Sines and Cosines

These are integrals of the following form:


We have two cases: both m and n are even or at least one of them is odd.

Case I: m or n odd

Suppose n is odd. Hence n = 2k + 1. So tex2html_wrap_inline42 hold. Therefore, we have


which suggests the substitution tex2html_wrap_inline46 . Indeed, we have tex2html_wrap_inline48 and hence


The latest integral is a polynomial function of u which is easy to integrate.

Remark. Note that if m is odd, then we will split tex2html_wrap_inline56 and carry the same calculations. In this case, the substitution will be tex2html_wrap_inline58 .

Example 1

Case II: m and n are even

The main idea behind is to use the trigonometric identities


Example 2

Remark. The following two formulas may be helpful in integrating powers of sine and cosine.


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