Population Dynamics: Example1

Example: Let P(t) be the population of a certain animal species.
Assume that P(t) satisfies the logistic growth equation
- 1.
- Is the above differential equation separable?
- 2.
- Is the differential equation autonomous?
- 3.
- Is the differential equation linear?
- 4.
- Without solving the differential equation, give a sketch of
the graph of P(t).
- 5.
- What is the long-term behavior of the population P(t)?
- 6.
- Show that the solution is of the form
Find A and B.
Hint: Use the initial condition and the result of 5.
- 7.
- Where is the solution's inflection point?
Hint: This can be done without using the answer of 6.
- 8.
- What is special about the growth rate of the population
P(t) at the inflection point (found in 7)?
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